Saturday, May 02, 2009

Semana Santa [Holy Week] in Antigua Guatemala

This was the first of almost daily processions that Margaret and I saw as we observed Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Antigua Guatemala.

Each of the many Roman Catholic churches in Antigua has a "float" (
anda is the Spanish word for it) that can be almost two car lengths long, can weigh up to 3 tons, and is carried in procession by anywhere from 80 to 100 men. Those who carry the anda change every block.

anda has the figure of the suffering Christ on it. Each procession will have its own "band" that will follow the anda and will play funeral dirge music. There's lots of incense (the boys and young men try to outdo each other in how much smoke they can create!).

The anda with the suffering Christ on it will be followed by
another (smaller) anda that will have the figure of the weeping Mary and will be carried by young women.

The processions are marks of devotion on the part of those who participate, but they are also a marks of "penitence."

The procession from
La Merced church on Good Friday leaves the church at 4 am and does not return until 2 pm--10 hours later.

The procession in this video came past the home where we were staying about 3:00 in the afternoon of Palm Sunday. It was one of 4 or 5 that came past our home that week--one of them as late as 1:30 on Easter morning!

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