Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Childhood Church's Christmass Decorations

Since I had some "extra" time yesterday morning while I was in Saint Joe, I drove over to my childhood church [Trinity Lutheran] where I had participated in many School Christmass Eve services as a child. Wondered how the church would look 56 years after I graduated from grade school.

The chancel of the church is even more beautiful than it was when I was a child. The Christmass trees are now artificial (and didn't seem as tall as they were when I was a child). Small white lights have replaced those big old 9 1/2 colored bulbs that were popular in the 40s thru the 60s. Chrismons have replaced the ornaments of old.

All in all, I was very pleased with what a saw, and the scene brought back lots of fond memories for me. I can still "smell the smell" of Christmass Eves of the past, hear the sounds, and taste the goodness of the "bags" of goodies we received from the Men's Club after the service.

What great memories!

A very Merry Christmass!

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